Sunday, September 13, 2009

The reason behind the name

Okay, so I'm not totally savvy whatsoEVER with blogs but after seeing my dear friend Erin's and being prompted to start one, I decided to give it a try. I'm embarrassed to say how long I've had this blog...and yet didn't have the guts to actual start posting on it. But today is the day. Why today? I don't know - I'm inspired, I guess. :-)

It took me quite some time to come up with a proper name for my blog. I wanted something that reflects who I am without being repetitive of what others use. I finally came up with it when I asked myself, "Who am I really?" I am a dreaming realist. It sounds like an oxymoron. Usually a dreamer is opposite of a realist. However, I think that we can be both. I am. On the one hand, I LOVE to daydream - dream of what could happen next, dream of achieving all of my goals and aspirations, dream of all of the fun "what ifs" like "what if I won a million dollars", "what if I wrote a bestselling novel", etc...I love thinking of stuff like that. I love dreaming of what I'd like my house to look like if I had the money and abilities to do whatever I wanted to do with it. I like to dream of what I'd look like if I could lose this darn baby weight. I like to dream of traveling the world and meeting fascinating people...

But on the other side, I'm also very much a realist. As much as I like to dream, I also like to face the facts. I want to know. I can't stand the people that live their lives in a dream world. Even when the news is dire...I want to know the truth. I want to know the worst-case scenarios. Because if I know the very worst that came happen, even the most nerve-wracking dilemmas become a bit better. And if the worst happens, at least I know it. When I was pregnant with Caelynn, I read all kinds of books and shows that graphically explained labor and delivery. I wanted to try to prepare myself for what was to come, and what life would be like after having a baby.

That said, some posts may be more reflective of my dreaming side, some will be on my realistic side. Some will just be silly. Some will be about my beautiful daughter. If you enjoy reading, that is fabulous. If you don't, that's okay too. I've always felt that journaling is such an emotional release for me. I can talk it out with someone, and that helps, but the best for me personally is writing it out. I feel I can then move on and focus on other things.

So, here we go. Hoping to enjoy the ride.

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About Me

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I am a former teacher turned stay-at-home mom to our 3 wonderful children: Caelynn, Matthew, and Levi. Rich and I married on January 2, 2007, in Hawaii, where we were both living. Caelynn entered our family on July 15, 2008, and we moved to Colorado in August of 2008! Matthew joined our family on June 29, 2010, and Levi completed our family on September 7, 2012. Our family's desire is to serve God with all of our hearts!